The model known as Elysi got married last year, but only now, she has shared some rather strange information with her readers. As the girl said, her marriage is nothing more than a marriage without obligations. It even got to the point that she and her husband did not have any intimate relationships for the entire time! They only "held on to the handle" in the registry office.
As you know, the richer and more diverse the erotic experiences, the stronger the union between the model and her viewer. And, on the contrary, if sex life has ceased to bring pleasure, there can be no question of any harmony. No sex chat technique for adults, not even squirting in sex chat, will help overcome psychological discomfort. But the basis of sexual harmony is the psychological compatibility of partners. This is true not only when engaging in virtual sex in the chat!
First of all, a man and a woman (especially a woman!) must trust each other from the very first meeting online. Mistrust does not allow you to completely liberate and show yourself on the webcam. In real life, many couples have lived a long life together, but have remained a "thing in itself." Outwardly, such a union looks quite decent. Is it possible to call their life happy? Maybe it would be better if they never met, masturbated in adult video chat rooms.
For a long time, we believed that opposites, like the dominant and the slave in BDSM video chat, attract each other. The more strikingly different a man and a woman are in temperament and character, the happier and more durable their erotic union online will be. Science has refuted this statement, and common sense suggests that you can love anyone. You cannot order your heart, but getting along with your own antipode is not easy. Psychologists also share a similar point of view, who argue that only kinship of souls gives rise to harmonious sexual relations. They are echoed by sex therapists, claiming that quite often women cannot achieve orgasm due to psychological incompatibility with a partner.
Accept a man for who he is. This call is often repeated on the pages of women's magazines. The only problem is that sexual relations are not a military campaign for the right to be yourself, there can be no winner here. Two egoists can never reach a complete understanding. Only the desire for mutual harmony, a gentle and caring attitude towards a partner, mutual concessions, and compromises allow you to completely dissolve in intimate communication.
Women by nature, not only in their webcam sex chat, tend to give, give warmth, affection, tenderness to a partner, pushing their own needs into the background. But sexual harmony is harmony in everything, expressed in one simple rule - be able to give, be able to take. In giving and taking away, do not go to extremes. Loving a man, love yourself, your body, become more confident. After all, it is also extremely important for a man to know that he is able to give pleasure to his chosen one at such moments.
No matter how confident a man may seem at first glance, every meeting for him with a webcam model is like an exam. I can, I can't. Knowing this, female models of an adult erotic chat should act gently and tactfully in a private webcam, in every possible way supporting and approving a partner on the other side of the webcam. After all, it's good with the one we have chosen, regardless of his sexual capabilities. Of course, if it was the right choice.
Elysi assures readers that after a year has passed she wants to divorce her current fiancé. Her motivation remains a mystery. Why this marriage was created and why they will divorce in the near future unclear to us. According to the model, she sees no need to reveal such details to strangers. Dear readers, you can try to guess the reason for the dissolution of the family union.