Sex therapists are well aware that people can achieve orgasm not only during intercourse. As many admit, they enjoyed it as a child, for example, in physical education lessons while climbing a rope or exercises on the uneven bars. That is, nature has laid in a person the idea that the "ending" can happen not only when he wants it. Orgasm can happen at a time when he has not even thought about it.
If everything is so, why should masturbation be considered shameful? After all, these are conscious actions that are completely aimed at achieving orgasm, only without the sex. From what medical experts say about this, we can draw an accurate conclusion. Masturbation is completely normal and does not contradict our human nature.
Is female masturbation harmful?
For many girls, masturbation and online porn chat inspire some sense of apprehension and even fear. This fear was instilled in us from childhood by our parents. As adults, we pass this fear on to our children, they to theirs, and so on. As for the boys, they were more fortunate in this matter than the girls. If the parents catch the boy masturbating, then in most cases he won't get anything. But if this happens to the girl, then the parents will be horrified by what they saw.
Why is this unfair treatment? Basically, parents are afraid that girls may become infected. This fear is based on the fact, that boys' genitals are located outside and are less prone to infections. And in girls, they are located inside and are more sensitive to various infections.
Is female masturbation helpful?
There is another problem for specialists. When they are to lecture to teens and young adults, they will be asked not to mention oral sex and masturbation. The administration of the educational institution explains this by the fact that sexual concepts are simply incompatible with the concept of morality. And what remains for sexologists to do, except to agree with such a requirement of the school administration. Although they are very reluctant to agree to remain silent on these issues.
But if you keep silent about this issue, then how can a teenager be able to solve it on his own in the future? If you do this and keep silent, then a negative attitude towards these things will only strengthen the subconscious of a teenager. At the same time, according to studies, if a 12-16 year old girl has experience masturbation, then in later life she will have much fewer problems in the sexual sphere than a "shy woman", which avoids such actions.