Sometimes it seems like everyone is talking about sex these days - from young to old, from preschoolers to retirees. Are you having sex or not? Do you read porn stories and watch adult videos? It would seem that these questions do not suggest an answer other than positive. However, it turns out that there are asexuals who do not have sex. Completely.
Such behavior is not a conscious attitude or physiological inability to have sex. This is the result of reduced desire. The impulses of desire are so insignificant that they simply do not reach the brain. At the same time, the asexual does not need pity and sympathy at all. Indeed, there is a place for work, friends, hobbies, love, and even marriage. But he doesn't want sex. Absolutely.
However, this misunderstanding worries only those around, and not the "alien" himself. Asexuals use the bed exclusively for sleeping, without experiencing any discomfort.
When there is no sex
The reasons for this "strangeness" may be hormonal disorders, the intoxication of the body (drugs, medications, salts of heavy metals), organic lesions of the brain and spinal cord, i.e. physiological prerequisites.
Mental problems, especially depression and stressful situations, are another reason for abstinence. Recently, information overload in megacities has led to a decrease in sex drive in both men and women.
Thus, the following picture emerges. The problem still exists, but only the asexual does not notice it. He, like the blind, never saw the world. Therefore, he does not even know about the existence of another, the world porn and erotica.
According to scientists, there are no psychiatric problems in this phenomenon. Research doesn't provide the full picture though. After all, asexuals bypass doctors' offices. Because the lack of sex is not a source of problems and negativity for them. They don't want to change anything. No complaints - no disease.
Peaceful asexuals outwardly do not differ from all other, "ordinary" people. They eat, drink, visit, fall in love, start families, and they just don't have sex. Militant fighters are creating communities and active anti-sex propaganda. Of course, there is no harm from them, but there is no visible benefit either.
Where to search for a sexual partner?
If you have met an asexual, then do not consider his feature as a pathological oddity. And do not look for the reasons for the partner's asexuality in yourself. In any case, it will be much more productive to thank fate for meeting such an unusual person and finally ask yourself. There are so many interesting things in the world, so why does everyone only think about virtual sex?