All our webcam models want to be desired by the viewers. But what kind of women do they really like? It is important to emphasize one paradox. Men are equally fond of both easily accessible women and women who are extremely difficult to achieve.
Why is this happening? With the first case, everything is clear. Why strain and do something out of the box if you just need to "snap your finger". And the woman will already be at your feet. The second example is more interesting. Because in winning a woman's heart there is a sporting element, an element of competition. This is what men like.
Psychologists and sexologists have been struggling with the question for a long time. Is there a specific type of women that will attract 99.99% of all men? But they didn't find a specific type. Probably because it simply does not exist. However, there are several categories of women, which will conquer any man faster than others.
Types of the most demanded female models of erotic video chat
Frivolous "Blondes Webcams"
Now we are not talking about girls with blond hair, but about girls whom nature, frankly, has not fully endowed with brains. From a man's point of view, such "dolls" are of great interest. But most often a man is limited to an exclusively intimate sphere of relations. And these women do not represent or do not want to imagine that they can be appreciated not only for their external data and sexual skills.
If you ask such a woman what she does in her free time, her main interests will be buying new clothes, going to clubs and other entertainment. It may turn out that she likes to read. However, the favorite "literature" will be exclusively glossy magazines.
What attracts men to such "blondes"? First, their beauty. What man would refuse to have a spectacular woman next to him? Second, these women are much easier to manage than women whose intelligence is average or above average.
Sexy tigress
This type of woman is a mystery and a dream for young men. It is impossible to predict what to expect from such a girlfriend in the next second. You will definitely not get bored with her. Since the tigress does not know the rule that the initiative should come only from men.
She had not heard of such a concept as complexes. Sex for her in an unusual or public place is normal, as well as a blowjob to a man on a second or third date.
But these women also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage is a simple and easy attitude to life. Cigarettes, alcohol - all this suggests that the "tigresses" are not anxious about their health.
Remember the saying “Friendship cannot be spoiled by sex”? "Tigresses" understand her in the truest sense of the word. Therefore, be careful when you have such friends. After all, no one can say for sure where this "friendship" will lead.
For such a woman, her social status in society will come first. And men and other joys of life will fade into the background. Perhaps it is this inaccessibility and arrogance, with which businesswomen treat men, that is that magnet.
Such a woman will be excellent in sex. But if we talk about a companion in life, then a businesswoman is not the best option.